Thursday, September 16, 2010

New sponsor, talks and thieves!

The good news is that we now have a good collection of sponsors coming forward which is filling up the spaces on the shirt and helmet, just the shorts to go then! Acorn Finance have confirmed that they wish to sponsor the main front chest on the cycle shirt, for which we are extremely grateful. Letto & Sons Jewellers on Charing Cross have also come on board. Better get those shirts printed soon.

Had a fun time with the Probus Club (retired professional businessmen), giving the after dinner talk on Wednesday afternoon - mostly about the forthcoming ride, not surprisingly. Those who were awake by the end of the talk, put a few £10 notes on the sponsor forms, which was nice.

This cheered me up, after a rude awakening at Murray's - the restaurant in St Aubin, as if you didn't know - at 8am to the report of a break in. £350 in petty cash, an ipod and a whole collection of various bottles of spirits disappeared.

Such are the highs and lows of life I suppose. A good ride on the bike should shake off the outrage I feel inside.


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