Friday, September 10, 2010

Donations, raffles and on the bike

Every day is a day that is ticking from morning to night right now. The cycle ride is the most pressing subject on my mind, with routes to sort out and training to be done every day. My mind keeps breaking down the target and plays maths games of "if every person I know gives a fiver...." I've still got some good fund raising ideas up my sleeve, so today is a cycling, planning and doing day where I'm going to knock on some doors for some money. I'm sitting here in my cycle gear typing - that won't get the training done!

If anyone who knows me wants to support - email or facebook me - I'll ride out and pick up the money!


  1. Hy Muz, where do I bacs money to??
    Best of luck pal thinking of ya.

    Rob Clarke-Trevis

  2. Donate at Sort Code 60-12-03 Account no. 26719517

    Rob! Great to hear from you - too much to catch up on... email me on & thanks for the support x
