Why cycle 10 times around Jersey? I mean what is the point of that?
Trust me over the past five days I have asked myself that question along with many many other questions. Will the legs last another hill? Will I lose the numbness of my hands and other extremities? or Why didn't you just leave the whole thing alone and have a normal life?
Trouble is I can't leave it alone and, yes I'm aware that will get on peoples nerves at times. The clear fact is that between all in our community, the small effort it takes and impact on the personal wealth of actually giving away some of your money is tiny, compared with the collective power that money will do to the charities, who will do great things with it.
So to answer my questions, My legs did last the hills, probably a mixture of bloody mindedness and fear of failing. The numbness will go - heck I'm typing this, so the fingers are working already. Normal life? There is no such thing. Finally, the point of cycling 10 times around Jersey is to convince people to give money. Strange thing, this sponsorship deal... I'll do something mad that takes every once of my energy, if you give me some money, weird, if you think about it. It's also risky too, because you declare what you are going to do and hope that those online onlookers will be moved enough to reach for the chequebook. It's like I'm cycling, but checking over my shoulder to see if anyone is looking, because if nobody looked and gave, it would be pointless.
Everyone person who smiled, nodded and gave me the good luck messages, but were not moved to make the effort to reach for the wallet, are entitled to do so. My feeling is that it is I who failed to convince them. Those who have or are about to give some of their hard-earned wonga, are chalked up on the side of the board that say there was a point to the last five days. A very worthwhile time, well spent. I've been finding out about myself and learning much of who are those few close friends who gave their time, effort and support during the gritty times of cycle ride.
After probably another day or two, looking back over this adventure, it must be onwards with the next challenge and the new fundraising ideas, for the cycle ride alone will probably bring little more that 10% of the target amount and another 90% of effort is needed to finish the job. I wouldn't have called it a challenge, if it was easy.
Thank you for following.
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